Special Education Services

Our Philosophy

The Grant Parish School Board believes that all students are entitled to an educational program that will promote optimal development in keeping with their capacities. This implies an awareness of individual differences in students and also diversified programs which will provide an opportunity for each child to achieve his potential - mentally, socially, and spiritually. We believe that effort should be directed to the end that each individual will become an effective member of our American democratic society. We believe that all students have individual needs.

The goal of the Grant Parish School Board shall be to provide services to students whose educational needs require modifications of instructional media to meet those needs. While the basic goal of the program is remediating the educational problems of exceptional students, the development of a positive self-image is central to therapy. Finally, Grant Parish School Board subscribes to the code of Ethics of the Special Education Profession adopted by the council of Exceptional Children (CEC) at the CEC's 61st annual convention in April 1983.

Teacher working with students



Denise Young

Special Education Supervior

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1125

Jami Deen

Administrative Assistant

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1110

Kim Taylor

Student Services Coordinator

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1124

Angie Gauthier

Occupational Therapist

Beth Henderson

Physical Therapist

Zach Reeder

Adapted Physical Education

Shawn Seward

Adapted Physical Education

Elaine Futrell

Itinerant Preschool

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1133

Peggy Brunson

Pupil Appraisal Secretary

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1120

Cherie Chandler

Educational Diagnostician

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1122

Bailey Lott

Educational Diagnostician

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1136

Ashley Sanders

Educational Diagnostician

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1135

Laura Whalen

Educational Diagnostician

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1121

Deedee Savoy

Speech Language Pathologist /Speech Coordinator

Phone: (318)627-3274 Ext. 1129

Jerri Bonner

Speech Therapists

Michelle Brown

Speech Therapists

Yvie Fry

Speech Therapists

Kande Perkins

Speech Therapists